Why do I need to control lawn pests?
- Chafer grubs and leather jackets can cause extensive damage to turf
- These lawn pests damage roots resulting in weak grass growth
- Extensive damage can result in the need for a total make-over of the lawn which can be expensive
- Grub eating animals such as birds often cause secondary damage
- Our pest control treatments are proven to be safe for you, your family and pets and wildlife too.

How can I control leather jackets in my lawn?
How do I deal with chafer grub lawn problems?
How do I know pest treatments are going to work?
When should I treat pests in my lawn?
How do I know lawn treatments are safe?
Leather jacket and chafer grub control briefly explained...
- Professional grub control products are licenced by government and guaranteed to be effective and completely safe for everyone and everything that uses your garden (other than chafer grubs and leather jackets!)
- Insecticidal control is only available for use by licenced and qualified professionals – by law
- Along with insecticidal control we can also use biological controls in the form of nematodes – microscopic, parasitic worms
- These combined controls are proven to provide over 90% reduction in active lawn grubs
- The timing of application, along with before and after-care is critical for maximum impact on lawn pests

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Amenity Standard
Is it safe to use insecticides to control lawn grubs?
Yes, it is absolutely safe. The product we use in our Grub X treatment to control leather jackets and chafer grubs has been in development for 20 years. It was first launched commercially in the USA in 2008. It gained EU approval in 2013 and has now been approved for safe use by the Chemicals Regulatory Division of the Health and Safety Executive. Everything we use in your garden is safe for everything that uses your garden. You, your family, and pets and even wildlife too.
How does Grub X work to control lawn pests?
The active ingredient enters the target species either through contact or ingestion. This then targets the receptors in the insect, causing an uncontrolled release of calcium from the muscles, disrupting normal muscle contraction. This results in temporary paralysis and as a result the insect is unable to feed. Provided the product is used correctly the target species should die during this period of paralysis.
How do nematodes work to control lawn pests?
These microscopic worms are among the most abundant creatures on earth. There is estimated to be around 20,000 named species of nematodes and they can be found in a variety of places including soil. Some nematodes may be considered a nuisance and might live as parasites in animals or attack plant roots. However, many nematode species can be used beneficially to help control pests.
Certain species of nematodes actively seek out grubs which they use as a food source and for reproduction. Introducing these nematodes, in sufficient quantity, into soil has been proven to significantly reduce the population of chafer grubs and leather jackets. Once in the soil, the nematodes pick up on pheromones or carbon dioxide produced by the grubs. Once the nematodes come into contact with the grub, they will enter it through a natural opening. When inside, the nematode produces bacteria which begins to rot the grub, providing a food source and a place for nematodes to reproduce. When the food source is exhausted the nematodes move from the dead grub and the process is repeated until the population of grubs falls so low that the nematodes begin to die off through starvation.
When should these treatments be applied?
Applying lawn pest treatments at the correct stage of life of the targeted grub is critical. If the grub is at a later stage of life, it will be able to wait out the temporary paralysis and will not starve during this period, as it will have adequate fat reserves to keep it alive. Similarly, older grubs are able to manage the parasitic burden from the nematode worm and will be less likely to be controlled.
How often should lawn grub treatments be used?
Insecticidal treatments should be applied once a year. In some instances, nematodes will need to be applied more frequently. Your qualified lawn technician can advise on an appropriate treatment plan.
Do these lawn grub treatments really work?
Absolutely they do. These products have been tested over a number of years. There is scientific evidence to prove that they will reduce the population by over 90%. However, they do need to be applied correctly and the before/after care advice must be followed to maximise the results. You can learn more about that in this article… here
Can I apply these products myself?
The active ingredient in our Grub X lawn treatment is licensed for use by qualified lawn professionals only. You should not attempt application by anyone who does not hold the appropriate PA1 and PA6 qualification in the safe use and application of pesticides. If your gardener tells you they can apply this treatment for you then ask to see their licence. Failure to do so may result in you both breaking the law. You do not need to be licensed to apply nematodes. However, their use if specific and can be challenging. For the best results its best to ask a professional to apply these treatments.
Will this treatment harm worms in my garden?
No, this product has been licenced by the health and Safety Executive because it has provided evidence that it does not affect non-target species.
How to correctly control lawn grubs
- Identify what grubs are present and specifically what species of chafer grub (there are 4 that damage lawns)
- Identify which areas of the lawn are affected as it may not be the whole lawn
- Ensure you know the right time of year to apply the grub treatment
- Be certain that the treatment can reach its target. This may include the need to aerate or scarify the lawn before application
- Ensure the area to be treated is the correct temperature so grubs are active and close to the surface
- If the area is dry, then irrigate before treatment is applied
- Water the lawn immediately after applying nematodes
- When applying nematodes be sure to keep the lawn soil moist for the next week
Our Professional Lawn Treatments are guaranteed to deliver great results and take the strain out of caring for your lawn. All you have to do is mow, and water in times of drought. We do the rest. Leave your lawn to us

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