The Benefits of Top-Dressing Your Lawn: A Simple Step Towards Healthier Grass
A healthy, vibrant lawn is something most homeowners strive for, but achieving it takes more than just regular mowing. One often-overlooked practice that can transform the health and appearance of your lawn is top-dressing. It’s a straightforward process that can make a world of difference, improving your lawn’s soil, drainage, and overall resilience. In this […]

Unlocking Your Lawn’s Potential: The Importance of Aeration
Have you ever looked at your lawn and wondered why it doesn’t seem to sparkle like the lush green carpet you envision? Maybe you’ve tried every trick in the book, but your grass is still struggling to thrive. Well, it might be time to consider one of the most essential practices in lawn care: aeration. […]

Managing Dog Urine Damage in Your Lawns
If you’re a dog owner, you’ve likely noticed unsightly brown patches on your lawn caused by your furry friend’s bathroom habits. Dog urine can scorch lawn grasses, leading to an unattractive lawn with unhealthy patches or even areas that are completely dead. Understanding the science behind this issue and implementing proven strategies can help keep […]

Critical factors affecting seed germination and grass establishment
Seed germination is complex and influenced by a number of factors. Let’s take a look at what’s involved and where things go wrong Water: Water is one of the basic pillars of life and essential to many critical functions. Once water is in short demand critical functions shut down. It is crucial for seed […]

How Does Lawncare Work?
The Benefits of Professional Lawncare Most people haven’t used a qualified, professional lawncare specialist to look after the needs of their lawn. Let’s take a look at what’s involved, and how we can help achieve a lawn you can be proud of – all year round. What do we do? We are lawncare specialists – […]

Over-Seeding – Knowing the best for your lawn
Which lawn grass is best? How is your lawn looking? If it’s not great, then understanding the reasons behind that is important to its improvement. Perhaps it could have more to do with the grass type than how the grass is cared for. Most people assume grass is just grass and give little thought to […]

Lawncare Introduction to Moss, Scarification & Aftercare
⠀ Dealing With a Mossy Lawn A lush green lawn is a source of pride for any homeowner, but when moss starts taking over, it can be a frustrating and unsightly problem. Removing moss from your lawn is essential to promote healthy grass growth and improve the overall appearance of your garden. One of the […]

Autumn Lawn Repair
Is your lawn looking as good as it should be for the middle of summer? Let’s look at some of the common problems and how to deal with them. You really should be enjoying your garden to the full at this time of year. The days are long, the weather is warm and your garden […]

Lawn Aeration made easy with our step by step guide
Holey Moley – Let’s look at the importance of lawn aeration… We mostly judge our lawns by the appearance of their leaves. Let’s take a moment to consider the importance of the soil structure in the health of your lawn. Within the soil, a network of roots not only anchors the plant, but also acts […]

9 Spring Lawn Care Essentials
As days lengthen, we venture outside and begin to notice how our lawns look. Many lawns struggle a little over the winter. Let’s look at what can be done now to get your lawn ready for a beautiful summer 1 – Moss Moss in itself isn’t a problem. It’s green and soft under foot. Nice […]