Scarification. What is it and why does it matter?

A lot is said about the importance of lawn scarification as part of a regular lawncare regime. Let’s take a look at why this is so important and how to get it right. What is scarification In simple terms it is raking the surface of the lawn, vigorously. If the lawn area is relatively small, […]

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Waterlogged Lawns

When water doesn’t easily drain through the soil of your lawn it can become saturated. Let’s take a look at what to do when your lawn becomes waterlogged. Why is my lawn waterlogged? Your lawn soil should be 25% air, 25% water, 45% minerals (sand, clay etc) and 5% decomposing organic matter. This balance helps […]

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Microbial Activity

Healthy plants require healthy soil, but what does that really mean? Let’s take a look at the importance of soil fungi and bacteria and how they help your lawn to thrive. Healthy soil contains a complex mix of nutrients, moisture, insect life and also decaying plant-life and animals. Their balance is essential and their interdependent […]

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beautiful lawn

Lawn Mowing Made Easy 🌿

Lawn mowing is one of those garden tasks that many people think they can do themselves. Some get it right and do a wonderful job; others are regularly getting it wrong. Perhaps you’d be surprised to learn how much harm you can do to your lawn by not getting the basics right. What it is […]

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Killing and removing lawn moss

Killing and removing moss If you already have moss in your lawn this can be treated. Some people try this themselves with lawn-sand but the results can be hit and miss with the grass often being killed at the same time as the moss. Far better is a liquid treatment combined with a wetting agent […]

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lawn aeration

Winter wonderland lawns

Winter can be tough on a lawn. Low light levels and freezing temperatures stop grass growing. Waterlogging can cause grass plants to die and moss growth increases. Autumn leaf fall can kill patches of grass creating bare areas. Compaction, drainage and top-dressing Regular foot traffic over your lawn will compact the soil structure, resulting in […]

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watering lawn

Feelin’ hot hot hot

It’s thirsty work for a lawn during the summer; let’s look at the problems and how we can help. It may be raining men in Aretha Franklyn’s world, but that masculine precipitation is of no use whatsoever to your dry lawn, as it struggles to cope with soring temperatures and long periods without water. You […]

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